Qingyuan County Courier Machinery Co., Ltd.
Equipments detail
Equipment: Traction mixer
Equipment Type: Mixing Equipment -> Mixer
Unit Type:
Technical Parameters:
Post Time: 2010-09-19
Main Features:
Description: 1, the aircraft is in the digestion of foreign advanced technology developed on the basis of a new generation of cattle feeding equipment, can all kinds of hay, straw crops, silage and other fibrous feed and concentrate mix fed directly. 2, can be directly used tractor-edge mobile edge mixed directly throw in the cattle feeding floor, saving time and labor. 3, with automatic reloading said, adding volume settings at any time. 4, full use of various forage and crop straw, do not undermine the fiber components to maximize the efficiency of feed energy. 5, feed mixed with high energy intake balance, increase milk production. 6, to improve farm production management level and production efficiency, reduce labor intensity. 7, to improve the breeding environment, improve farm space utilization. 8, that is suitable for medium and large farms, but also for farm-scale farms.
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